Genicular Nerve Block - Seattle Pain Relief - Seattle's Leading Pain Clinic

Genicular Nerve Block


If you suffer severe knee pain which prevents you from living your normal life, you might consider a genicular nerve block to relieve the pain.

If you suffer knee pain, whether from arthritis, an injury or a degenerative joint disease, avoiding a knee replacement is desirable. Before opting to undergo a knee replacement, however, you might consider finding pain relief from a genicular nerve block.

The genicular nerve block is a diagnostic procedure which determines whether the changes and inflammation within your knee joint are the actual source of your knee pain. The genicular nerve block will also confirm that your pain will respond to the procedure. If the procedure works, you will experience pain relief for several hours, then your pain will return. The genicular nerve block is usually performed twice, and if both tests are positive, you will be scheduled for a treatment known as radiofrequency ablation or genicular nerve ablation. The genicular nerve ablation is expected to restore function to your knee, as well as alleviating your chronic knee pain.

The Procedure for a Genicular Nerve Block

The injection site will be sterilized, then numbed with a local anesthetic, then a needle will be directed, with x-ray guidance, to the target area. When the needle is positioned correctly near the genicular nerve, local anesthetic is injected to numb the nerve. The procedure is then repeated at various sites in the knee region. You should not engage in any strenuous activity for at least 24 hours, however you should engage in “regular” activities which typically cause you pain. If you do not experience pain, then the genicular nerve block has been successful.

Are There Any Risks to a Genicular Nerve Block?

The complications associated with a genicular nerve block are minimal, although any time a needle punctures the skin, there can be bleeding or infection. Rarely, a patient will have an allergic reaction to the medications used. You could have leg muscle weakness or numbness for up to four hours after the procedure, due to the local anesthetic. You could also experience:

If you experience more serious side effects, such as severe or progressive pain at the injection sites, arm or leg weakness which persists for more than 8 hours, progressive swelling, discharge or redness at the injection sites, fever, chills, vomiting, nausea, or bowel or bladder dysfunction, seek immediate medical attention. 

Are you suffering from severe knee pain?

Contact Our Seattle Interventional Pain Management Specialists

We understand that severe and chronic knee pain can significantly impact your entire life. At Seattle Pain, our primary goal is to relieve your pain and improve your quality of life. We believe in treating the whole patient – and not just the injury. You do not have to live in pain.

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